developing my style of photography
As someone who shoots quite randomly, developing a “style” is an interesting topic to think about.
When I hear people talk about the different styles of photography such as landscapes, portraits, street photography, shooting at night, etc., I always wonder where and how I fall into which category.
In my shooting experience, I have mainly shot landscapes. A LOT of landscapes. And I love shooting them. Exploring a new area, camping at a new site, seeing nature as it is in that moment is phenomenal to capture. In fact, some of my favorite images I’ve created are landscapes. However, is this because I’ve sought out to shoot landscapes or simply because of the convenience of being in a picturesque area of lovely California? What I’ve come to realize is that I do love shooting landscapes. But...I haven’t really tried to shoot anything else!
Being a well-versed photographer (I believe) requires at least some experimentation with different mediums and exploring particular styles of photography. Finding what works for me is not something that has been at the forefront of my thought process when trying to create images at all. I think that it has been a matter of situational circumstances. If I am camping in the mountains well…. most of the shots will be of the mountains/nature. But, my goal in moving forward and growing as a photographer means I must try different styles and move with intentionality.
Currently, I am working on the logistics for a personal photography project centered around my hometown of Rocky Mount, North Carolina. In thinking deeply about home, the area and the surroundings, I have come to see that there are so many different ways that I could shoot this project. My current style, would dictate that I shoot various landscapes around the area based on the theme of the project. But what if the story was told differently, through portraits or at night?